Reetzbobeetz wrote:
Well I have just stepped away from the quilt because my thread was breaking and annoying me

I have done the ditch work and I had just changed my thread to do the FMQ but it kept shredding. I had decided to use one of the Rainbows threads from Superior, which I love, but my machine seems to think otherwise. I have Bottom Line in the bobbin, I am using a Topstitch 90/14 and I did reduce my tension. In fact I tried the thread beforehand on a practice piece with every single gauge of the tension dial to be sure that I had the right one for FMQ. Oh, it's enough to make your hair curl

Rita, my mantra is TNT: Thread/Needle/Tension. The last time I encountered the problem you're experiencing, it was with Sulky threads and they kept on shredding no matter what I did with the tension and I did slow down the machine speed. I know it sounds like heresy, but I tried a Schmetz universal needle (I believe it was 80/12) and the shredding stopped. I've never looked at Rainbow threads so you would have to determine the size of the needle based on the thread. Might be worth a try.