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TOPIC: Okay, Count me in!

Re: Okay, Count me in! 24 Jan 2012 20:12 #74690

  • pam7040
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I have only done a few very small pieces using free motion quilting but my biggest problem is that I forget to lower the foot on my Elna machine and because the tension doesn't engage properly when that happens, I get huge loops at the back. :roll: :roll: :roll: Rita is it possible that this is what happened to you late in the day when you were tired :wink:

Whatever is causing the problem I hope that you can find the answer in the morning when come back to it afresh.

In leafy Berkshire, south of England.
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Re: Okay, Count me in! 24 Jan 2012 20:09 #74689

  • Scoopie
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Rita, I know you have probably checked this, but I thought I'd mention it, because it has happened to me. I thought my top tension was getting tighter and tighter, only to find out the thread was wrapping around the upright machine thread holder. If you are using a cone on a cone holder, then this is probably not your problem. (And, I can't remember if you are on a long-arm or not.)

In beautiful Northwest Montana
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Re: Okay, Count me in! 24 Jan 2012 19:37 #74685

Thanks Renata. The needle recommended for Rainbows is a 90/14 topstitch. The tension has just gotten worse in the last few minutes. Now I have huge loops coming up from the bobbin and no matter what I do nothing is changing that. I think it's time for bed and I will look at it with fresh eyes in the morning. I might even try an 80/12 needle too. Goodnight. Rita.

Yes Margo I did look at Dr. Bob's tutorial on troubleshooting. I will also try my other machine in the morning and see if it is happening there too. Thanks for the link. Rita.
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Re: Okay, Count me in! 24 Jan 2012 18:57 #74684

  • Renata
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Reetzbobeetz wrote:
Well I have just stepped away from the quilt because my thread was breaking and annoying me :x I have done the ditch work and I had just changed my thread to do the FMQ but it kept shredding. I had decided to use one of the Rainbows threads from Superior, which I love, but my machine seems to think otherwise. I have Bottom Line in the bobbin, I am using a Topstitch 90/14 and I did reduce my tension. In fact I tried the thread beforehand on a practice piece with every single gauge of the tension dial to be sure that I had the right one for FMQ. Oh, it's enough to make your hair curl :x :x
Rita, my mantra is TNT: Thread/Needle/Tension. The last time I encountered the problem you're experiencing, it was with Sulky threads and they kept on shredding no matter what I did with the tension and I did slow down the machine speed. I know it sounds like heresy, but I tried a Schmetz universal needle (I believe it was 80/12) and the shredding stopped. I've never looked at Rainbow threads so you would have to determine the size of the needle based on the thread. Might be worth a try.

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Re: Okay, Count me in! 24 Jan 2012 18:48 #74683

I am halfway done with my blocks - love this method. Gyleen spoke and did a workshop at our guild in 2011 - it was wonderful
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Re: Okay, Count me in! 24 Jan 2012 18:44 #74681

  • Margo
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Reetzbobeetz wrote:
Well I have just stepped away from the quilt because my thread was breaking and annoying me :x I have done the ditch work and I had just changed my thread to do the FMQ but it kept shredding. I had decided to use one of the Rainbows threads from Superior, which I love, but my machine seems to think otherwise. I have Bottom Line in the bobbin, I am using a Topstitch 90/14 and I did reduce my tension. In fact I tried the thread beforehand on a practice piece with every single gauge of the tension dial to be sure that I had the right one for FMQ. Oh, it's enough to make your hair curl :x :x

Rita, did you see this troubleshooting video on the Daily Blog by Dr. Bob? [url]daily-blog/104-superior-threads/15504-superior-threads-thread-selection-troubleshooting-guide-video[/url]

It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !
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Re: Okay, Count me in! 24 Jan 2012 18:20 #74678

Well I have just stepped away from the quilt because my thread was breaking and annoying me :x I have done the ditch work and I had just changed my thread to do the FMQ but it kept shredding. I had decided to use one of the Rainbows threads from Superior, which I love, but my machine seems to think otherwise. I have Bottom Line in the bobbin, I am using a Topstitch 90/14 and I did reduce my tension. In fact I tried the thread beforehand on a practice piece with every single gauge of the tension dial to be sure that I had the right one for FMQ. Oh, it's enough to make your hair curl :x :x
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Re: Okay, Count me in! 24 Jan 2012 17:10 #74667

  • kfstitcher
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I like that! 12 step program.
Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio
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Re: Okay, Count me in! 24 Jan 2012 16:52 #74664

I agree with you Margo. We are our own worst critic. Karen
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Re: Okay, Count me in! 24 Jan 2012 16:49 #74663

  • Margo
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All quilters need to be in a 12 step program!! We should take 12 steps away from the quilting and see how it looks from there!
With our eyes so close to the stitches we see every little wobble, but a lot of that will never be seen by others. Especially after it's washed and dried!!
That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!! :D

It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !
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Re: Okay, Count me in! 24 Jan 2012 16:14 #74661

  • Renata
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Reetzbobeetz wrote:
Well actually Renata, I didn't continue with those ideas. Instead I went for a purple centre and then completely random strips. I have also put a purple border on the quilt because the young lady I am making it for loves purple, apparently. I will try and get a photo of it tomorrow - we just didn't have enough good daylight today - and before I mess it up with my quilting. :lol:
You're NOT going to mess it up with your quilting! (although, I know exactly how you feel because I feel the same way about the quilting part). The last practice block I did, I even surprised myself--not so bad... and the parts that I thought looked awful started looking better after I washed the piece. I know it will get better as I practice more.

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Re: Okay, Count me in! 24 Jan 2012 15:18 #74655

Well actually Renata, I didn't continue with those ideas. Instead I went for a purple centre and then completely random strips. I have also put a purple border on the quilt because the young lady I am making it for loves purple, apparently. I will try and get a photo of it tomorrow - we just didn't have enough good daylight today - and before I mess it up with my quilting. :lol:
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Re: Okay, Count me in! 24 Jan 2012 13:59 #74645

  • Renata
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Beautiful quilting on the purple pineapple quilt, but I look forward to seeing Rita's, especially if it's the one whose blocks she gave us a sneak preview of a little while back because her colors and values were stunning!

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Re: Okay, Count me in! 24 Jan 2012 13:03 #74641

Oh my! What a quilt and what quilting! I just spent all day today marking my pattern and pin-basting my pineapple quilt. I hope to start quilting it tomorrow. This evening I will be practice, practice, practicing. :|
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