Mmmh, Lois, do you need any help munching that lovely fruit? My mom and my aunt always found my visits quite relaxing, as I took a turn through the garden first thin in the morning, munching all the yummy stuff ready... And another tun late afternoon, to see what the day has ripened. I'm good for: strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, brambles, currants, generally berries of all types, small soft fruit off of most reachable trees, snow peas, regular peas, beans, a leaf of this herb, a sprig of that one, and I can easily pull a carrot or two...
Of course, if the objective is ot just to have the produce picked and munched, I can also gather ino dishes... The rule of every tenth item is the gatherer's pay applies !!!
hoping to spend next June at my parents' in Canada, so they better eat all the berries they can this summer, for next year the finding of ripe fruit could be critical...