heartnsoulquilts wrote:
For the MQX show, the guidelines say that the only piecing on a wholecloth can be to piece the same fabric to itself to make it large enough. So in their view, yes, it's still a wholecloth if you have to put 2 or 3 sections of the exact same fabric together to make the top the right size for the quilting to be done on it. That and the binding are the only things that can be 'pieced'.
A word of caution: TEST TEST AND TEST AGAIN!! For color fastness... A friend who makes amazing silk quilts has had problems with them bleeding when she has washed out the blue marker and blocked them even though she had prewashed the fabrics multiple times. In your case, you don't want the quilt to bleed every time you wash it. Perhaps a wash with Synthrapol after dyeing and then if it's good, do a wash in Retayne to make sure it won't bleed again. Do this all before you piece the top. Don't want any surprises as this is a monumental undertaking!
FWIW The trapunto shadow wholecloth I made, which is 49 x 49, took me over 60 hours to do the cutaway and quilt. So a king sized one would surely be a labor of love masterpiece!! Can't wait to see it!!
Thanks for the clarification for the MQX show. I don't know if I'd ever enter it anywhere but that is what I wondered... does it count as wholecloth.
Yes, I'm a big fan of Synthrapol.

I have done other silk blend quilts that I've dyed and washed in Syn 2x after dyeing and then after quilting. And with aiming for a darker dye, I do want to make sure I don't have bleeding later. Great reminder!