pam7040 wrote:
@Betty Ann, I still struggle to remember which reels should go on horizontally and which should go on vertically, I must write it on a piece of paper and stick it on the machine. I spent 4o years doing dressmaking with only a vertical spool so that is my natural tendency.

Pam, the way I remember is to look at the spool (reel) to see if the threads are wound parallel to one another (STACKED) or if are they criss-CROSSED.
Then, I relate them to trains! :shock:
A train's smoke STACK sticks up in the air. So for stacked threads the spool (reel) goes on the vertical thread pin to feed off the side of the spool.
A train travels on tracks laid on CROSS ties. So for criss-crossed threads, the spool (reel) goes on the horizontal thread pin to feed off the end of the spool.
Large cones are usually cross wound and feed off the end of the spool, but they are usually feeding through a vertical cone stand or mounted upright on a long-arm machine.
Hope that didn't confuse you more!