twiglet wrote:
Interesting. I thought King tut was a fabulous thread but its been leaving a waxy residue on the machine this week. Most odd. Any thoughts

Wendy, that does sound odd.
I am sure that if you contacted Superior Threads on their website through the "contact us" feature, they would make this right for you and they would want to know if there were a potential problem with one of their threads.
Here a few questions you might want to ask yourself that would be helpful to Superior Threads in figuring out what is going on with your King Tut thread, if you contacted them:
(1) Did you oil your machine just before using the King Tut thread?
(2) Are you getting a waxy residue when just using a specific reel of King Tut?
(3) Does the reel in question look or feel any differently from other reels of King Tut you own (i.e., does it appear there is a "waxy" substance on the thread before you thread your machine)?
(4) Do you still get a waxy residue on your machine after you change out your King Tut reel to, let's say Aurifil or some other thread?
I'm at a loss for answers because I don't know Superior Threads' production process, but I am very interested in what you find out, if you choose to pursue this.