Rita, love your new pic!
Re: Strike, it seem since the students have lost so much class time, that if/when they go back to class, the teacher's union will have to negotiate because the are to have 15 weeks of class, and up to now the've only had four. Which, if they go back soon-ish, the teachers will have to cut out their summer vacation and teach straight for 11 weeks, no 'reading week', as they usually have. However, if the teachers have to work beyond the contract stipulations, they will have to be paid double time, which is another reason these students have no idea that life is not all about them. Taxes will rise. They are protesting university tuition hikes proposed for an increase of $325 per year for the next few years. Right now, they have
free college education (like community college/pre-university), and our university fees are the lowest in North America. The protest has become violent and bloody. Ugh
One guy I know who is a cop has worked so much overtime onthe riot squad that he has taken his whole family of four to the Carribbean for a week and has just finished renovating his entire basement.
But, this is quilting forum,not a place to rant! Sorry.