kathyst2 wrote:
I started out machine knitting almost 20 years ago at the dawn of forums- anyone remember Compuserve? I got a lot of answers to questions on Compuserve and later, on the internet mailing lists. When I saw the light and started quilting, it was so natural to try and find a community of quilters.
Kathy, I felt a bit uneasy when I read your phrase 'When I saw the light and started quilting',
to me it sounds as if you are denigrating your knitting experiences & other crafts.
I realise that this is probably not the case; but having been chucked out of a Cross Stitching Club for daring to take a time sensitive (needlework) project that was not
cross stitch, without being asked what it was or why I was doing it at that meeting - Nobody queried what I was doing at the meeting, and the following day I had a phone call that basically said
don't turn up unless you are doing cross stitch & only cross stitch, even your cross stitch & beading left a mess of beads on the floor. From this experience I try to be sensitive to the fact that whilst saying that 'my xxxx craft is great/the best!' is fine; we should be careful not to say 'my xxxx craft is better than yours'. Because apart from anything else, a lot of us will go through many phases of different hobbies through our lifetimes, and although we no longer practise previous hobbies, it all adds 'roundness' to our outlook on how we approach our next passion/hobby, it doesn't make them 'lesser', just a 'been there, done that, got the T-shirt and had a good laugh with those friends'.
We all need to be careful how we use our languages when we are typing, because we do not have the other physical cues of voice tone and body language to help interprete what is being said. However I love making connections with other quilters on this site and other needleworking crafts through the internet, but unfortunately I have yet to sort out a good balance of personal sewing and online perusal of sewing.