Just rec'd this answer to an email to Christy Fincher, Sharon's daughter.
"I'm so sorry that I'm just now seeing your email. It was delivered to SPAM. Often, if the subject line is all capitals, the email will be delivered to a SPAM folder.
Neil is working on getting the Network up for members and expects to have it ready in a week. The entire site was a loss, and he's rebuilding from scratch. He does have the videos, as they were backed up off-site, but all else was lost. He has sent out several newsletters updating about the Network. Are you getting those? If not, check your SPAM, as they may have been delivered there. He knows what an inconvenience that the Network being down is, and he will be extending all memberships by 6 months, as well as introducing many new videos.
Thank you for your patience and understanding. Please, if you have any other questions, email Neil at
mailto:natkin@gmail.com or me."
So, we'll give the benefit of the doubt and wait and see!