I have often wished that I could see my own work "for the first time" as a complete work. Each piece has personal baggage for me. The "maybe I should"s and the "What if I"s still run through my head each time I look at my work. I would just like to know how it effects a first time viewer. I like to lurk at a quilt show and watch people view my work. You can learn a lot that way. Betty Ann In Stormy Florida
I think that is because when you look at a quilt hanging in a show, you see the overall effect. Unless you look really closely at it, you don't see the small mistakes. Since you made your quilt, you know that there's that one corner that doesn't quite match and that one point that is cut off. So you know the flaws in your quilt and don't see the flaws in the others. Be happy with your own art and appreciate others' art.
Why is it that when I see other people's work I always prefer it to my own? ! Does anybody else find this as well? Only joking really - but I do sometimes feel like throwing mine in the corner after seeing other work. I will be going to The Quilt Show at Birmingham UK in August - that'll be interesting - I love looking at other people's quilts - can't wait for the show !