DH's doctor's appointment update: We met with the urologist for quite a while yesterday. The digital exam did not look optimistic. We have scheduled the biopsy for August 3rd. Meanwhile, Terry is on cipro for a month, just in case it is an infection (prostatitous), but the digital exam lead her to believe it probably wasn't. If the biopsy proves to be cancer, then a CT scan will be done to see if the cancer is isolated to the prostrate, or has metastasized into the lymph nodes or bone. At that point we will discuss options.
Like I've said before, this is expensive for us right now! Yesterday's visit was $500, thank you very much! So, I gave them $50, and told them to put me on the payment plan. We'll just take it one day at a time, and pray for a miracle. Pray it IS just an infection, and pray one of our investements will actually show a return this year!!! Either one would be a miracle.
Houston. Every time I mention NOT going to Houston, due to the circumstances, DH refuses to listen to that kind of talk, and insists that I go. So, I will, unless he is in the middle of some kind of therapy, that requires me to be here to drive him, or take care of him. Without a complete diagnosis, and plan of attack, I don't know what my schedule will be the first of November.
Please keep us in your prayers. Terry is really down!
Thanks, Dawn