Hi everyone, I have a prayer request. If you have followed my TQS blog you already know most of this. My oldest daughter had her wisdom teeth extracted about 2 months ago. The surgery itself went fine as did the initial recovery. But she never got back to normal and things kept getting worse. She went back a couple of times and they would pack it and give her more antibiotics. In the meantime, she has moved to Winston-Salem and had continued to have pain and swelling. Finally the oral surgeon here sent her to a dentist there (not sure if he's an oral surgeon or a dentist, I forgot to ask). He opened the site back up and found it there was a abcess and infection in the bone. He cleaned it out, packed it again, and changed her antibiotic. She went back a few days later to have the packing removed and he made a comment to the effect that he didn't think he had solved her problem but to give it time and see. That was this past Friday. She called me about 10 last night in severe pain again. I told her to call him last night, that someone would have to be on call for emergencies. He called her back this morning and told her to meet him at his office after church. He then said he is afraid the infection is deep in the jawbone.
I know we are told not to be anxious for anything but in my human frailty, I admit it, I am flat out scared. I have tried to encourage Chelsea to demand some facts and answers about her situation from this dentist or go to another one, while trying not to scare her. She had a horrible experience with a dentist when she was very young and has been terrified of dentists ever since. (I'll spare you that story but it was a nightmare and we changed dentists and love the one we have now.) She is extremely careful with her mouth because of that and has been religious about oral care and wearing her retainer etc. because she has never wanted to face the consequences if she didn't. And now this!
Sorry this was so long. I just wanted you to understand how frustrated we both are at this point.
Please pray that someone will give her some real help soon before this gets even more out of control.
Thank you so much,