about shopping list i dont have one.
i know that every few months i need to refill my beans and quinoa etc. some nuts.
once in 6 months buy glass/rise/beans nudeles * spelling?
once a year i refill my maple sirop, my agave, my palm sugar.
once every 2-3 months some fish/meat.
the rest every week fruits, veg, yogurt.
i do cook a lot of things from the above, learned to cook small portions! that was a biggy for me.
because i live alone so when i cook big pot, then i eat not to throw away. - not good idea!
i cook in a smaller pots now (good reason to renew my pots

if i have some vegetables that looks very tired from life - i chuck them in the soup pan.
and have a good one.
may be it is a good idea for you guys.
by the way, i do bake, put every thing in the big freezer (gluten free and sugar free)
and then when people come over i can give them some thing good, without torching my self! - if i had a cake/cookies in the freezer
it will disappear to my hips for sure in no time..., so i do it with no sugar/gluten.
i dont have the curving to eat it all. - even they are VERY delicious and tasty!