Life in my neck of the woods has been somewhat 'interesting' lately.
We have some serious problems at work which resulted in one of my colleagues to go off ill due to 'stress at work'. I have been exposed to the same problems and the resulting stress, but managed to cope. I can't really give any details because even TQS is not a totally 'private' environment. As a result I quite often just can't make myself boot up the computer in the evenings. I just want to listen to some classical music, trying to relax, and then sleep as much as possible. But don't worry about me. I'm fine. The only time in my life that I got very close to not being able to cope was during my 'interesting' three year long divorce battle, and I came out of that stronger. I'm also lucky to have a very supportive family and brilliant friends, so plenty of shoulders to lean on whenever necessary.
Let's talk about positive 'stuff': Over Christmas dinner Eva's parents announced that there'll be another addition to the family in August. I better start knitting and think about a baby quilt.
Healthwise it's also all sunshine. My blood pressure has gone from high to normal. This alone is a reason for me to never put the weight I lost back on. I'm still following the same rules, with the odd treat, and it still works brilliantly. I started with 25st 1lb on September the 11th, and was weighed again today....... drum roll, please (bang your rotary cutters on the table)....... 21st. So I'll get a fourth one of Eva's painted stones. If you work in kg, that from about 159kg to about 134kg. My clothes will all need taking in (roll on summer holiday).
And to make this quilt-related, I have a new little quilt on my fridge door (click on the picture if you want to see the the centre better):