So sorry that you have been ill. Happy to hear you are doing better and will pray for that path to continue. Life is not always fair and sometimes the "fair" moved on before we get to attend.
Nine years ago, I was supposed to die or be paralyzed from the waist on down. I recovered. I am walking with a cane but walking and quilting and doing many other activities that were never supposed to be possible for me again. I had always been an avid reader, but after my illness, I could not seem to concentrate on a book. I started small, magazine articles, short stories, innocuous simple fiction, simple mysteries etc. in order and eventually I became an avid reader again. My quilting followed a similar path. I fell in love with Ricky's Convergences and did many of them, one after another and in increasingly more difficult steps. Then I moved back into doing other patterns and raw edge applique. After time, I went to one of Ricky's retreats and did a Rhapsody. Now I sort of follow my dreams and my passion is back.
Being serious ill and then having to learn to walk again and gain stamina etc. is not an easy road. Take your time, give yourself a pat on the back and a big Whoo Hoo every time you make a small step. Do a happy dance when you accomplish a slightly bigger step and eventually you can work your way back. It is possible and life can get better. Hugs to you, keep the faith, and take baby steps. Ann