crocus999 wrote:
I've just cut my 4 1/4 inch squares and ready to put them together, so I'm glad that I've read these posts before beginning the sewing. I will try to keep the seam scant, for sure.
However, may be a while because my dogs just died, my feed dogs, that is. I had them down for some beginning adventures in FMQ, which Lois had encouraged me to do, and now they won't come back up, no matter what I do. I guess the machine will have to go into the repair shop,. I hope it doesn't take too long, I really want to do this project, and had wanted to keep pace.
Just to make sure, since it sounds like you haven't dropped them before, did you try sewing after pushing the button to put them in the up position? You probably already know this, but thought I check just in case. On my machines, you push the "feed dogs down" button again to put them in the up position, but they don't actually move until your first stitch. You probably tried this, but wanted to make sure just in case.