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TOPIC: Scrap-saving advice

24 Apr 2009 18:56 #34696

  • Mailmanldy
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There are some really good ideas here for using ALL your fabric. I never thought about using my selvedges, so now I guess I'm going to have to start saving those... and find a place to keep them until I get enough to make something with them.

I like the idea of keeping all the small bits and pieces of fabric to use for dog or cat beds... never thought about that. I have been working my way through a ton of fabric that I got from my Mother, when she had to move to a smaller place. I'm trying to cut everything into blocks or strips, so that when I have enough of something I can start making a scrap quilt. A lot of it is old fabric and not to my taste, but I didn't want to throw it out. I never liked scrap quilts, but I'm going to have to make some just to use some of this fabric. And I was throwing away anything that was too small to make a square.. so now I'm going to go get it out of the trash and find an old pillowcase to start tossing them into.

I love all the ideas that are shared here... keep them coming.

Diane in Colorado Springs
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24 Apr 2009 12:50 #34685

  • NancyinSTL
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jbtaz36 wrote:
My sewing group saves selvedges and scraps for me. Judy in AZ

Speaking of selvedges, I recently starting collecting them after seeing the quilt blocks made from selvedges in the October 2008 archives of my second favorite quilt website: http://www.ohfransson.com TQS is my favorite quilt website, but this one is a very close second.

Check it out at http://www.ohfransson.com/oh_fransson/2008/10/index.html

WARNING: Browsing this website can lead to another soft addiction.
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Stash busting thread 23 Apr 2009 20:08 #34653

If you search the forum for stash discussions, that should help, but the current one running is under suggestions for new categories for the forum.
I do all sorts of sizes and looks of quilts, so my scrap bins reflect that. It was getting so that I couldn't find what I wanted to use, because the scraps from previous projects always ended up on top.
I have started using Bonnie Hunter's "Scrap User's System." It has really helped me feel like I am more in control of my stash than the other way around. Her website is: http://www.quiltville.com Go down left-hand column to scrap users system. I have also started using her Leader and Ender method with my scraps and have really tamed my 2 inch square section.
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23 Apr 2009 10:23 #34630

Don't throw anything away. Put left over pieces, no matter how small, into a pillowcase and when full, sew up the end and you have a doggie bed or a kitty bed for your own animals, or you can give the bed to the Humane Society in your area or a Kitty rescue place. Or to your relatives and friends who have pets. My sewing group saves selvedges and scraps for me. Judy in AZ
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23 Apr 2009 09:08 #34622

Search for crumb blocks. There was quite a discussion about it a little while ago.
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23 Apr 2009 00:00 #34617

  • suehenyon
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thanks ya'll. I'd knew I'd get fresh perspective! Nancy, thanks to you, I've discovered the forum search! I'll keep looking for that other tread. Happy quilting, Sue
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22 Apr 2009 20:59 #34609

  • NancyinSTL
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There was an earlier long conversation in this forum on the same topic. You might want to check it out.

I'll add here that I used some teeny tiny bits and pieces in my April Stars of the 2009 TQS BOM. Why? Because it was all I had left of a particular fabric that I really needed/wanted to use. The 1" finished HSTs only require 1 7/8" square bits. The finished 1" squares only require 1 1/2" square bits. So, I'm really glad that I had not thrown out these scraps leftover from an earlier quilt project.
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22 Apr 2009 20:52 #34608

  • Mailmanldy
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To me, a scrap is anything I won't use in something else.

I try to figure out what size block I use the most, and then cut up my odds and ends to sizes that can be used to make those size blocks. If I make 6 inch blocks, then I will cut my odd pieces of fabric into 1.5, 2, 2.5 , 3.5 and possibly even 4.5 inch squares. Then I can use any assortment of them to equal 6 inches.

For strips, it has to be at least 12 inches long before I will consider it a strip, if it isn't that long, I will cut it into squares. I will cut strips the same widths as my squares.

I always try to cut the largest size pieces out of my odds and ends first, then work my way down to the smallest sizes until I can't get any more pieces at the sizes I want. Anything that is left over, gets tossed.

If you do any needle felting (hand or machine), and can use small bits and pieces with that, then I would keep even those small pieces to add to your stash of embellishing supplies.

Diane in Colorado Springs
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22 Apr 2009 17:43 #34602

  • Margo
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Sue, I think it depends on what size pieces you like to work with. Personally, I don't keep anything smaller than 2-1/2" x2-1/2" because I know I won't use them. Because I like to make scrap quilts, I sort them by color and they will one day wind up in a quilt. If it bothers you to throw them away, maybe you can find someone in your local guild (or TQS?) who makes miniature quilts and would like to have them.

It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !
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22 Apr 2009 16:33 #34600

Hmmm, it can be hard! My little bits, under 1.5 inches or so, I keep in a pile for starting the tails for chain piecing and for quick testing tension etc so even they have a use to me. But I can be sad like that. :lol: :lol:

I guess if you appliqué or art quilt and embellish, lots could be used up. How long is a piece of string? :D :roll: :D

Will be interesting to see what others say.

Ye olde Dorsetshire

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Scrap-saving advice 22 Apr 2009 16:00 #34598

  • suehenyon
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At what point is a scrap a scrap? As I learn to precision cut with this BOM, I'm accumulating a pile. How do I judge what is worth saving?
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