Whew....manipulating 36 one and one-half inch pieces to get them sewn together to an exact 6 1/2" is very difficult. You take a combination of hands that aren't as flexible as when I was young, eyesight that requires progressive no-line bifocals, and a sewing machine that's not a great one, although it's okay, and you tend to get some distortion when handling, sewing, and pressing small pieces. I've finished two, and they're VERY close to 6 1/2", but I think I'm going to lose a point or two as they get sewn to the setting triangles, and I have some intersections that aren't quite right! My setting triangle fabric is pretty bright and busy so I'm hoping it will distract from those blunted points.
I'm going to lose one point on one of my blocks but in the grand scheme of things, no one will notice. I"m ok with that.