I think it's great to discuss topics such as this because some people just don't know. It's a passion of mine (could you tell

). For those of you who haven't heard/read yet, I was very sick due to chemical exposure; getting well involved becoming informed. We have to know about them in order to make a decision. No, I
don't worry about exposure, I do what I can. No, we
can't avoid everything, thus the importance to do what IS in our power. I refrain from chemicals in detergents (laundry, dish, personal), in coffee, personal care products, clothing and foods. I buy organic bedding, mattresses, towels, flooring, furniture, paint, etc. It's expensive, but I believe it to be a great investment, and a statement that it's unacceptable to cause this harm. As for fabric, of course I buy it, then wash away what I can. There are always compromises. We have to start somewhere to make changes for us beings, our 4- leggeds (toxicity of carpet chemicals multiplied for them), and for our environment.
A key here is that I do all of the above with enthusiasm for life, as opposed to hiding in fear. Action is the key. Be as informed as possible and make a statement with your purchasing dollars. I still enjoy my coffee and chocolate (organic

) and fabric! Worry is counterproductive.
I love that we have a choice, and a voice! This forum is a fun way to get those ideas out there. Thanks, Keith, for a humorous re-visit into this one. Jan in Spokane