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TOPIC: May Block

06 May 2008 10:02 #17850

Marge, your block looks beautiful. The vase fabric is rich and I like how you added the trim at the top of the vase.
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06 May 2008 09:56 #17849

I've posted my May block. This block seemed the easiest so far. Marge
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06 May 2008 09:46 #17848

Hey everyone, I got everything (templates) cut out for the Jan. block-the stems seem too skinny to turn the fp back on. Am I missing something? . Any help will be appreciated, Janice
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Margo's stash 05 May 2008 20:32 #17834

Margo, thanks for sharing your organizational skills with us! I will be setting up a new quilting/sewing room with our move to Arkansas, and I will be sure to use your folding technique. Right now I have the fabric washed, then folded lengthwise (twice) so it's ready to cut, and then it's hung on wire hangers in a clothes closet. Works OK but I often need to refold it (and press it again)when I'm ready to use it, so it's not so handy, after all. Thanks too for posting my April BOM so quickly! It's so much fun to see them all posted. It's as if we were all working in the same room, for the same seminar at some quilt class! :D I really appreciate all you do.
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05 May 2008 15:35 #17824

What a great tutorial - very professional and easy to follow! Thanks for all your time and talent that you have given to us.
I am definitely going to try this.

Your block is beautiful by the way. Great fabrics!

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05 May 2008 11:49 #17820

Bridget, Great job on your tutorial. I am going to try our method on a new quilt.

Margo, I love our ruler to fold technique. I have a hard time keeping my stash folded all the same size this will help. Thank you again for all your wonderful knowledge.
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05 May 2008 11:49 #17819

Bridget- thanks a million! I am going to start immediately! What great instuctions...I guess I will start on May's block and work forward and backward at the same time! Wish me luck-

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05 May 2008 07:52 #17816

Thanks everyone!
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05 May 2008 07:46 #17815

Bridget - love the tutorial! I was just telling my dh this weekend that I wanted to try machine applique and do a second block of the month with a dark background. Now I have a starting place for instruction. This is very similar to a hand applique technique I had already done, it never occured to me to stitch it by machine though. Thank you so much!
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05 May 2008 07:33 #17813

Margo- I only wish my stash was as tidy as yours! I have started to fold my fabric pretty much the same as you, but unfortunately, I began this about 25 years too late! LOL! I wash my fabrics before adding them to my stash (I have a small mountain waiting by the washer) then iron, fold and put away....on a good day in a perfect world! I am guessing that I have 30 huge footlocker size plastic bins holding most of my stash and over 3/4 of it need to be refolded in this manner. I am attacking this in a baby step fashion...a little bit at a time because I would loose all my sewing time if I tried to get it all done at once.Not how I want to use my lifetime! Thanks again for all the time and help you extend to the forum. Keep Stitching! Sally
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05 May 2008 07:25 #17812

Bridget- Thank you for putting all that info up on the forum. What a professional presentation! You owe yourself a manicure and a hand massage for all the effort. Boy, that sounds good to me too! Sally in sunny (for the moment) NE Ohio
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05 May 2008 06:20 #17807

Margo, great ideas! But I'm afraid if it were so nicely folded and stacked, that I wouldn't want to use it! LOL!

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05 May 2008 06:12 #17806

Bridget, WOW! great tutorial! Thanks for all the work!

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05 May 2008 05:25 #17803

  • denise-nh
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Margo wrote:
OK ladies.

I've just posted pictures of how I folded some of the fabric in my stash since some ladies have asked about it.


(Not only do you have to promise not to look at my hands but the fashion police will probably notice that I've been painting!!)

My husband will love this tutorial, he's been wanting to come in an refold my fabric. I don't mind the mess but he can't stand it. We share the room, he's on the computer and I'm in the sewing area. It's my way to see everything as it's hanging. Hey if he wants to bother, go for it!

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