Thanks Margo.
I had set aside a piece of fabric for the binding which was 56" wide by 1 1/2yards. Then I forgot what I had set it aside for and used some of it as the border for a baby quilt.
Fortunately I still have 22" left. It is pretty straight so I don't think that I will run out. I reckon I can get 9 strips out of that. So 9 x 55" = 495" - I think that should be enough? Thanks for your help.
My 'ruffled roses' quilt is a scrappy quilt - as are most of my quilts! I found myself yesterday unpicking the seams in a check shirt of my sons that doesn't fit him anymore. It was a nice purple and white check and it had lovely small purple buttons too! Nothing is safe - my daughter has learned to put her clothes away instead of leaving them lying on the floor, she went through a phase of buying plaid and check clothing. She has been warned that they would make very interesting quilt patches