Hi, everyone! I'm one of the many TQS quilters who has been drooling over the Ruffled Roses BOM quilt, but afraid to start another big project. (Don't even ask me how big my pile of UFOs is!) Nevertheless, something about this quilt is calling to me, and I might just have to take the plunge.
The heart motif in the center block was not speaking to me, so I printed it, played around with it, and came up with the pattern shown below. Basically, I made 4 copies of page 12 of the pdf file, connected the stems, and redrew stems and berries around the roses. I added corner leaves and berries to fill the space. The wreath is still square-ish, rather than circular, but that doesn't offend me.
So here's the reality check: will my changes produce an attractive quilt, or have I gone off the deep end?

Thanks for your input!