if you saw the state of my living room at the moment - you'd feel oh so much better. my friends still drop in - enjoy something to drink, a chat, a movie, sometimes even dinner with laptrays as the dining (living) room table is used for the sewing machine...
they come because we like each other and enjoy each others' company - not to look at the dust and judge
it can be like this for months when i'm in a certain project or 5 (as right now)... once they're completed (or at least in a manageable condition) i clear everything up (i DO clean regularly - there's just a lot of sewing clutter hanging about) for a few months - invite guests for real proper multi-course sit at a table and relax meals - and the same people come and enjoy (at the moment my plan is to be in a madhouse until end of this month - then put everyting away nice and tidy and by the 5th of august have an uncluttered comfortable home until christmas (doing mainly - handquilting various items - assembling the SOTT quilt) - and during the christmas holidays i get to start my next big project and start spreading again...)
don't worry about short-term visitors who can't understand and work their mind around a life beyond "presentation"
our true friends are here for us - whenever - under any circumstances - life is too short to waste on those that judge us for appearance only
keep quilting and enjoy life