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TOPIC: Quilting with disabilities

Quilting with disabilities 20 Apr 2008 17:16 #17143

Rachel, can't you get insurance from the wreck to pay for your doctor? Who's to say that your problem is not caused by the wreck? Call your local congressman's office, or some govt. official and see what you can do. Threaten to call lawyers, raise a ruckus!!! And don't stop till you get what you need.

Sharon in TN
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Quilting with disabilities 20 Apr 2008 17:03 #17142

Hi Ann, I hope you can get some answers and most of all, some help! It's so frustrating to ask a doctor a question and he just says, 'I don't know'. My son now has one arm shorter than the other because a doctor said that to every question I had, and I was too naive/dumb, etc., to say to him, ' get out of here and get me a real doctor!' You stick to your guns, girl, and use those suckers if you have to. You need answers and you need them 'Yesterday'!!!! Hey, that would be a good title for a song!!!

Rachel, my hair is coming out, too. I'm wondering what caused your hair to come out. If it's something you don't want to post here, email me privately. I recently started Lyrica for fibromyalgia. I've read on forums that people have had hair loss, but it isn't one of the side effects listed on the medication.
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20 Apr 2008 16:43 #17140

I am so glad to hear that you are hopefully getting some long needed answers. I only wish you could have had them years ago. I guess better late then never. I will continue to pray for you. I do not see how you could wear out your welecome that easily. So just don't let that worry you. Stay focused on your health.
Here in N.Y. I am currently looking for a Dr. that will take money. Yep I have no insurence except the accident ins. and the Dr.s that everyone wants me to go to will not accept that. So I am trying to get some sort of assestance. I never realized I would be in this shape again. I use to work my backside off to stay off assistance. Now I need medical ins. and here we go. WHAT A HASSLE! WHAT A WAY TO LOSE YOUR SELF RESPECT. Then my husband has a job so of course that creates an even bigger problem. I might not qualify for help because we make too much money by only a few dollars. So now I am looking for other alternatives. All because of a bus and weird blood work. I really want to go back to work. At my job I had health ins. vacations, and a paycheck. LIFE WAS GREAT :P I really am glad you are getting answers though. Lots of love Rachel
P.S. You wanted to know how things were going (sorry about the ranting)
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20 Apr 2008 12:30 #17116

Ann, I'm so glad you're getting some more answers. Good for you, taking the time and effort to get the care you need, I see too many folks that just don't do it.

I'm continuing to take the Mucinex tablets morning and night for symptoms of fibromyalgia, but did switch to the Wally World brand since it's a good bit less expensive. I have noticed a marked decrease in the amount of muscle pain and stiffness, very little now, and a huge improvement in the "brain fog"--my concentration is so much better, and so is my memory. Not perfect, but if I go upstairs to get something, I now can remember what it was almost all the time, LOL.

Pat in Rockport, TX
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Lost entries 20 Apr 2008 09:47 #17101

I know we lost a bunch of entries with the forum meltdown so I am going to give you an update on me and hope that others will do the same. The people who enter and reply here are truly an inspiration to me so I hope everybody gives us an update on how you are now and we can keep on supporting each other.

We are staying in Olive Branch Mississippi in a friend's yard and have been here almost three weeks (Aren't they great friends. Plus my dear quilting friend Dana lives near here so another bonus)
But the real reason we are here is because there is an excellant cancer and blood disease clinic in Memphis - the clinic I am going to is about 20 miles from where we are staying-. I didn't get the doctor I originally wanted. He is not taking new patients right now but the one I got seems to be excellant. Surprise surprise he listens to me and answers my questions with real answers and not the stock -you are a mystery- answer I have been getting. We still do not know the cause or treatment for my anemia but I am having a bone density test this week and may be eligible for a once a year shot instead of the daily or weekly medications that are in one theory part of the cause of my periodic bleeding. That is not the whole answer because I have been off it since
August and have still had two severe anemic episodes. But it would be one less problem to deal with.

The following week I go back to the hemotologist and have some more tests and get the results of the bone test etc. So we will be guests in our special campground for another two weeks for sure. but as long as we don't wear out our welcome I am here until I get some answers.

All in all I feel more upbeat about this whole situation now than I have for a couple of years (don't know why it took me so long to get up the gumption to try something new)

Ann (this is number two on my forum goal wonder where I will go next)
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04 Apr 2008 13:46 #16759

Anne, I am so glad to hear that fresh eyes are going to be looking at your case. I get so frustrated when I hear people say "well my Dr. said that he doesn't think I should be too concerned about it". I know that I was furious when I found certain things about my parents because they were too embarassed to talk openly about them they ignored them until the damage had gone on so long that it was irreversable. I yelled at both of them. My mother had a lump in her breast and dad had prostrate cancer. How idiotic! Do not ignore things tell your Dr.s everything no matter how small. I too am guilty of this. I had failed to say anything about how horrible my hair was and how much had fallen out over the past year. It wasn't until the Dr. seen my key chain with the photo of me and the boys last year on it. She commented how good I looked. I said That was when my hair was nice and thick. That did it HELLO BLOOD WORK 10! TUBES. lots of abnormals. Now off to see another DR. YIPPEE! Please write down a list of all of your symptoms no matter how minute and go over them extensively with your Dr.s. Sometimes the little things are what solve the puzzles Rachel
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04 Apr 2008 11:40 #16746

Ann I hope everything works out for you and the new Doctor can help Happy
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doctors and second opinions 04 Apr 2008 11:35 #16745

Rachel, you are so right about getting second (sometimes third and fourth if necessary) to figure out the best course of action. I am chronically anemic with hemoglobin that runs about 9 as average and once was 4.3 (scary because I didn't know I was sick - I have been told I could have had a heart attack or stroke with the least amount of stress at that point - thank God that I didn't do anything stressful and got a blood test for another condition which pointed out the low hemoglobin) Two and a half years later, I know that I bleed internally at times, have no residual iron in my system, don't absorb iron or B=12 through the digestive system. Why I have yet to find out.Hopefully the new doctor in Memphis will find some answers as he will be looking at my case with a fresh eye and viewpoint. So I understand your frustration when things do not go well. But look at all you have accomplished. Your weight loss is fantastic and you seem to have a very positive attitude which is probably your best asset when it comes to surviving the things you have gone through. I am in awe of you and your courage. Ann who works at being positive every day
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28 Mar 2008 09:46 #16291

Yes you are describing floaters. Those that move are usually not that uncommon and are usually ok. However, if you notice them only in one eye more then the other and they do not move, you should get them checked out. Ask your general practioner for a specialist. It could be something as simple as blonde eyes (I am sure there must be a more tech. term). One who he would send his mother to. If he says it is nothing to worry about. DO NOT listen! Another thing you should do is look at your meds. Certain meds. Will cause severe eye conditions. On this I recomend talking to your pharmacist (sp). He would have the most up to date info. on side effects of all your meds. For example one of my mom's meds. (I think it was for cholesterol) wreaked havoc with her eyes and liver. The point is you have a right to ask questions and get answers. If you don't like the answers you are getting or you feel you are not getting the service you need go somewhere else! Just because you primary doctor is your primary look up other doctors in your area. go in with a name and say "I want to see this Dr. I want another oppinion". If he gets angry, get a new Dr. He should value another oppinion. I now have about 8 Dr.s thanks to my car accident. I suffered from chronic fatigue, and muscle pain, lethargy, along with a slew of female problems for years. Finally one of my doctors looked at my med history. Looked at me in total amasement ordered a few blood tests. Then said "your Iron is at 7, B12 is bottomed out, you are depleted in sodium, and you most definately have Fibro. But we can not tell because until we get your blood levels up you are going to feel lousy." I just took my Dr's advise and slept more. I was an IDIOT! Ask questions, DEMAND ANSWERS! I wish I had earlier.
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28 Mar 2008 08:05 #16281

  • eileenkny
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What I mean by floaters are not what you see in the mirror when you look at your eyes. Floaters are those pesky little things in your vision. When I'm looking at the computer, for example, I see little specks and thingys that make it a little blurry.
Hope this helps,
eileenkny 8)

from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ
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27 Mar 2008 15:40 #16255

  • cutup
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I have Hazel eyes more brown around the inside more green toward the outer side, I have had spots in my eyes for as long as I can remember, they don't float, they stay in the same spot on my left eye and now I have noticed them in my right eye :?: :?: :?:
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27 Mar 2008 07:57 #16229

  • eileenkny
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I have green eyes. I'm of pure Irish descent. I'd never had problems, other than reading glasses, with my eyes. I thought I had a detached retina when the flashing started.
How do you get referred to a neuro-opthamologist? I've never even heard of them!!

from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ
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27 Mar 2008 07:39 #16227

There are a host of problems that all of you could be describing. First never just settle with what the gut who hands out the glasses says. Always go to a specialist. Floaters although common should always be checked out and kept track of. Especially if they get worse. Also you should be checked for diabetes and sinus polyps (sp). Especially for running tearducts. there could be other issues at hand. If one Dr. can't or Won't give you an answer get another oppinion. Another avenue to check out is an allergist. Does this condition get worse in the summer or fall. For example did you know if you suffer from horrible allergies (from pollen especially) if you eat honey made by the those particular contributers of pollen. It will aid in your tolerence of that pollen. Just a thoght about your running eyes. is there an allergen in your house maybe? Perhaps one that you may not have even thought of. Maybe you are ingesting something you are allergic to. I know it sounds strange but don't rule it out. I have seen food allergies make a kid act like he was on speed and same kid was allergic to wheat and he acted like he had just smoked a joint. Hope I helped Rachel
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26 Mar 2008 23:09 #16213

I have been having fluid leakage from my eyes bad the last two weeks, a year ago my eye dr. told me I was boarder line Glucomma,(sp).
Now,I'm wondering if the weather has set this off more so these last two weeks. It's pretty bother some. It's more my right eye then the left but in both eyes. this sounds funny but my right eye feels heavier. I'm constantly having to dry the right corner of my right eye more from the leakage than the left eye but both. It's like having a bad cold in your eyes but I know it's not that but I thought maybe weather change could affect this. I can't see anything by looking at my eyes. I need new eye glasses this I know. I have always had very watery eyes, if I yawn water just flows. Not everyone is like this when they yawn. I think I may have passed the boarder line stage. My Uncle has Glucomma(SP),it's heriditary.He just uses special eye drops.I'll let you guys know if it's the glucomma (sp) or not. Soon as I get to eye Dr. which will be soon.
(I'm sorry to hear others are having eye problems too)
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