Interesting question..... To be honest, I just love the really small shows that are sometimes put on by local quilting groups, often bi-annually, and in interesting locations. They always buzz with enthusiasm, and personally I find these 'grass roots' activities a lot more satisfying than the big shows. My two favourites are both in Lincolnshire, just under 2 hours drive from where I live. 'A Stitch in Kyme' (lovely name for a quilt group) display their quilts (and other items made from fabric) in the small church in Kyme. It's a challenging venue, but has got sooo much atmosphere. Here are a couple of pictures:
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Rosemary and I met for the first time at the quilt exhibition in Kyme in 2009, and had a super time getting to know eachother!
The other show is put on by the Moulton Mill Quilters, a bunch of wonderful ladies. I just wish I'd live closer and could join them. They meet every week, but during the day. I sometimes manage to join them as their guest when there is a school holiday. Their meetings and their exhibitions are in a working windmill. Pictures in the next message because I'm only allowed three per post..........