Hi Sue, I have the gammill permier. I have it for since 2003, and I love it! She has become my right hand!

I know it can be real expensive when we start getting into these machines. I also know that alot of dealers that work with gammill also have used machines that were traded in for upgrades, and most of the time you can get a great steal on one.
I have the 12ft table and my machine is a 18inch throat. It works out great for me. I don't use it for business, right now its for my own pleasure. Maybe someday, but not right now.
The best thing you can do, is find one that is comfortable for you and that your happy with. The best way is talk to your dealers and ask alot of questions, that is what they are there for, also if you can make it to quilt shows, there are always alot of dealers there, and they let you play with their machines!

There is homework in buying one of these types of machines, but in the long run it will be worth it.
Tip: Never go on someone elses comfort of a machine, I have always found that one machine might always be the one that works for you, where it might work out for someone else. It has to be comfortable to you! Its just like a car. You might like the way the car drives and is comfortable to you, but to your girlfriend it might not be. I hope this helps! Good luck and I hope you find the right machine for you! Lisa