There are many options for communications on TQS - here are a few:
• Using the TQS website – In the “Congratulations Partners” email, I have added the TQS Screen names in parenthesis, Wendy Grande (grandedesign). The name in () is the name you use for sending messages or adding friends.
• From the Connect Page – on the right side look for Community – Quick Search. Enter the TQS screen name in the box and select SEARCH. The result will show a picture (if she added one) and you can send her a message or Add as a Friend.
• From the IMQE Group Page – you can search for your partner in Members. Select Members and a list will come up. There are a lot of us now, so look through the pages (the names are in alphabetical order), find your partner and select, send message. In the box that appears you can type and send your message.
The emails you receive from the IMQE Group page, like when someone joins, are notifications. No action is required on your part. Let me know if you have more questions! Cheers Wendy