Hi, Rita! I just finished watching (mind you, just watching...
) Cindy Needham's class on Craftsy from beginning to end before I actually go through the class step-by-step. So, yes, I am SIDding ESS for this little quilt as we speak to get the practice in so I haven't gotten to the swirls part yet. Actually, I misspoke about swirls, they are actually Angela Walters' concentric circles that I have gotten comfortable with (with and without the pearls). I really don't know how to move around with swirls yet. I keep trying on a dry erase board and I always get stuck somewhere! I am less and less sure about how good concentric circles would look so I am thinking about it all while doing the SID ESS. Why didn't I think of stars to match the stars fabric
--of course, great idea. I think I'll be doodling some more today. I have the thread now--King Tut Angel Teal and Edwardian Blue.
I really get stuck on the quilting part...
but I am so glad you all are out there to help get me unstuck while learning!