Woohoo! You finished the top! Way to go
When I made one I ended up quilting it heavily, because that's the way my quilting usually goes! I quilted different designs in the different sections. I think I might have ditch quilted between the wedges. My border was 60 degree triangles cut from the leftovers from the quilt, so I did a continuous line of rounded zigzags, changing direction in each triangle. The triangles were about 3 inches wide.
I did spirals, wavy lines, sharp zigzags, leaves, outlines of some of the motifs in the fabric. The corners had a large sunflower with trailing leaves. I didn't plan much except for the sunflower design. I was consistent at putting the same design in the same section around the quilt, though, if you get my drift. I used Bamboo batting, I think, so it's pretty drapey.
If you want, tomorrow I can post a couple of photos that show the quilting. It's too late for me to take any photos tonight but in the daylight I should be able to get some detail pics for you.