Well, it's not done (ha!!) but I finally quit stalling, finished all the little things I needed to sew before hand, and finally ran out of excuses so yesterday I pieced the backing fabric together, pieced the batting together, and laid the monster out to baste/etc. Egads, it is huge!!!
But, I finally have a plan, and my sweet husband has said I can take over the dining room table and we can eat on the small patio table (which right now is my "sewing table"; no where near big enough to quilt this thing on!!) until the quilt is done. yay!! That makes things a LOT easier than trying to manage on the little round table.
Here is the plan --
1. ditch work in all vertical and horizontal seams, to stabilize the quilt before I really get to work.
2. outline the comics, start in the middle and work my way out. I will use straight-line, but FMQ so I am not pivoting. I'm confident I can manage that w/o too much trouble.
3. red top thread, outline/echo quilt inside the red bits. Start in the middle, work my way out, again with the straight but FMQ so no pivoting.
4. horizontal straight lines across. I will use one stitch type in the black sections and a different stitch type in the white sections. This way it more looks like the 2 sections are meeting in the middle/interlocking.
Here is where I have a question ---- by this point, the quilt should be pretty stable, and I know to start in the middle (as far as up/down) but can I start at the outside edge, go in until the middle (where the color changes), stop, go back out to the edge (ie, unloading the quilt between times) and basically do all the lines on the black side then adjust the quilt and do the white side?
Or better to start on one edge and go all the way across, just jumping over the middle/switching stitch, and then keep going on the other color? I think jumping over would be easier (then in the end I will go back and do any fill-in that I need to do in that middle section), right?
Then I will figure out border treatment. I think for the pieced border, just long straight lines that follow the edge of the quilt. For the skinny border....probably in reality, same thing, just long lines (maybe use zig zag in there?) but if I get very ambitious maybe I will do my mazey thing inside those. ha! we'll see. By then, I will either be super frustrated and ready to be done, or super confident and excited to try that. -snort!- we'll see.
Gray thread for all except the red parts, but gray in the bobbin the whole time. whew! Wish me luck! Here's the top getting ready to be pinned & basted....huge! and yes, that little white table? that's where I've been sewing. Can you imagine??? So glad DH is letting me take over the dining table instead