scottishquilter wrote:
Limbania55 wrote:
Sorry it took me this long to respond. Dealing with "chemo issues" and another cold last weekend, courtesy of my DS. No matter how hard we tried not to get the bug I ended up with it. Doing better now, which is good since DH had to go back to work a day early and I'm working on gettin ready for chemo # 4. Thank God I have an awesome DMIL. She's coming back from Alaska to help out during next treatment.
Limbania, you don't need to apologise for not being on the forum, we all understand you have a lot going on. Sorry, you got a bug but I am glad you are doing better now and it won't affect your treatment. Good luck with chemo 4. How many sessions are you having?
Your DMIL sounds like an Angel and a very thoughtful person, especially coming from so far away. How long does she usually stay? Like everyone else, give her a hug from me as well.
Thank you Maureen! I'll have 8 sessions total. One every 2 weeks. Number four is the last with two different drugs applied the same day but not mixed. Starting number 5 will be another drug, one only but the dripping is very slow, takes about five hours between blood test, medication to help with nausea and the chemo. Taxol is the name of the drug and because one of the side effects is peripheral neuropathy, tingling and numbness in the extremities, hands and feet particularly, it has to be applied very slowly trying to prevent that as much as possible. This of course besides all the other niceties (side effects) chemo causes.
DMIL will be staying 9 days, she'll be leaving on a Tuesday and DH will be arriving the following Friday on time for chemo #5. The first week after chemo it's been the hardest and she'll be here for that. Marty (DMIL) is a very caring, thoughtful and generous lady. I'm very lucky having her in my life.
Thank you all for caring and supporting me.