Friday, May 7
Dear Reader,
I was planning on broadcasting items on The Quilt Show blog from London as there happens to be a 300 Year quilt exhibit here at the Victoria and Albert Museum at the very same time I am spending two weeks in London prior to a garden tour of England later in May. Unfortunately, the free internet connection is with a connection that is older than my little notebook computer so I will have to diary my entries and load up my impressions when I get back to the Bay Area.
I arrived at the Radisson Edwardian Kenilworth Hotel in Central London around 3 this afternoon and promptly jumped in bed, snoozing to TV. At dinner I went down to the hotel restaurant and ordered a Caesar salad with chicken and white wine, topped off with brown bread ice cream and coffee. Dragging out the meal as long as possible, I met a lovely woman from northern Yorkshire (yes, they did know the folks from All Things Great and Small -- their horses were treated by the famous Vet/author) and we talked about all the great things to see in London among other things. She highly recommend ed the Victoria and Albert Museum and the Queen’s art exhibit at Buckingham palace.
When the lady left, I struck up a conversation with the couple to my left. Their daughter will soon be moving to the San Francisco Bay Area from Charlotte, North Carolina to attend art school. They didn‘t know which one as they didn‘t know there was more than one in San Francisco. I take it that would be the San Francisco Institute of Art.. We had a far ranging conversation and may run into each other at the British Museum tomorrow.
It is very interesting about being a woman in 2010. When I was at the airport awaiting my shuttle to my hotel, I was pronounced “very brave” to be traveling to London ALONE for two weeks. Forty years ago, it was considered “very brave” for a man to be on patrol in Vietnam. A woman in 2010 gets to be brave to be on vacation in London. Show me the medal. I am a brave today lady.