My brain wandered off by itself for a meander and came back with this idea.....
If most quilters make at least one bed quilt, then surely the best place to view it is on a bed, rather than hanging flat on a wall.
Therefore....... a show of bed quilts would look better draped over beds rather than hanging up.
are you still with me?
Therefore........ you need lots of beds to display your bed quilts.
keep going, the best is yet to come
Therefore.......the best place to have a quilt show is not necessarily a local hall but your local bed showroom, you know it makes sense really
If any one takes up this idea and makes it happen please send me pictures, I'd love to see if it works.
P.s. practical considerations - you will get numptys who want to buy your quilts for £/$ 40-50! :shock: so make sure you a) have fabric costs of all of the quilts (also necessary for insurance), and b) examples of how long 2-3 different quilts took to make. So your answer to these numpties is 'the fabric, threads and wadding/batting cost £/$90 (or more?) and there is 150 hours of work in that quilt and the worker's skills and knowledge are the equivalent of a car mechanic, who fixes your car. Tell me what do you pay at your local garage per hour?'
Then you invite them to join your group so they can learn to make their own