Mia will be so thrilled through all her comforting cards of good wishes and prayers I know this will mean the world to her. Only 6 but has a heart of gold.
Last night she heard on the news that President Kennedy passed away from brain cancer her daddys grandpaw had the tv on and wasn't paying attention to Mia watching and her daddy told him to turn the tv off, Mia started crying then after her great granpaw seen why she was crying he cried to.
Today was alittle rough on her emotionally also. She was sitting on the ground and says Mamaw I'm smiling but I can't help crying then she broke down. Holding her in my arms /lap I say Mia don't you worry you are gonna be just fine that we would all be there with her every step of the way. I told her they would let her eat lots of good stuff,That she knew Mamaw would make sure she was taken very good care of,she knows mawmaw gets on em every now and again! lol.
Then a butterfly landed on her lap and I said see God has just sent you the comfort to let you know he was goonna takevery good care of you and would be right at her side all the way.
I said God takes care of all his little Angels. She played with the butterfly for about an hour just sitting on the ground letting it cheer her up.
Little Cecille says; Mia its just a moth!!! lol. I said still in the butterfly family. She added; I thought you said that all creatures should be free in the nature Mia says; yes but I'm enjoying Gods gift of comfort for now.
it was a moth but a very special moth.
Mia set the moth on a tree branch after she sat with it an hour
This is the most gentle child so full of loving emotions but alittle sad today.
Mia,Cecille,Allix,Sydella and I took an "adventure" up frog creek,its a little creek that runs along there property and they also have the little Miami river in there back yard. Mia named the creek
these adventures are so fun for them ya know we all had our magical walking sticks with us and our imaginations running wild
Monday will be a tough day but she will get through this and before you know it she will be gliding away on her tire swing!
Cousin Mike is building her a tree house and she is all excited about this!
((Thank you everyone for thinking of our little angel Mia))
May God Bless you everyone
Love & Hugzzz, Kathy & Pete, Family