Thank-you for the Birthday Wishes, they are very much appreciated. I had a 12-day birthday this year.
First my Mini group took me to lunch last week.
On Friday my 3 daughters and 2 of the 3 son-in-laws were here on my birthday, we all went to lunch, and had a great time at home afterwards.
On Saturday one of my sons was here too, then 2 out of 5 granddaughters (one with her boyfriend), and 3 grandsons came for a Happy Birthday Family Dinner. It was great and everyone had lots to eat, and everyone enjoyed the party. (The Saturday group went home).
We figured that 1/2 of the family was here to celebrate.
Then this morning after Mass the Friday group went to Breakfast.
Now only Maria the eldest is here, till tomorrow when she flies home.
This is certainly a birthday to remember.