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TOPIC: How to make fabric paler?

Re: How to make fabric paler? 06 Aug 2013 20:05 #108043

  • ritzy
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Yes, if others like it -- sometimes we just have to give up and decide to like it ourselves.
Blessing from Northwest Indiana, USA
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Re: How to make fabric paler? 06 Aug 2013 19:42 #108042

Thanks Rita, what I haven't confessed is that my DH and a friend both like the bright version so I think after all this good help I had better leave it alone, get on with it and see what happens!
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Re: How to make fabric paler? 06 Aug 2013 18:47 #108039

Thanks Ritzy I never would have thought of that either! Good to know for future reference. Juliet, I like the block and the colours as they are. It's lovely and bright and cheerful. Maybe once you have made a few more it won't seem so bright and overpowering. Anyway, good luck with whatever you decide. And as you know we are always happy to see photos of the results. :D
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Re: How to make fabric paler? 06 Aug 2013 17:27 #108038

Oh, I never thought of that for de-brighting something but for de-whiting! Thank you Ritzy, I'll definitely try that on a small piece.
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Re: How to make fabric paler? 06 Aug 2013 16:25 #108035

  • ritzy
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If it is the brightness of the yellow that you do not like you could give it a light tea bath. Make some tea and quickly dip fabric into and take out (the longer it stays in the tea, the darker it will be). I have done this when the fabric wasn't quite right for what I was doing.
Blessing from Northwest Indiana, USA
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Re: How to make fabric paler? 06 Aug 2013 13:10 #108016

Thank you Rita. I know about using the reverse of fabric and completely forget about it when looking at my own fabric. The washing machine thing sounds good and I may try it on a small piece, don't want to run out of fabric experimenting. DeColourant sounds lovely but where I am many basic products are sometimes not available, like bleach, so a new product like that will never get down here but how interesting to know about it. Probably I will go with the reverse if I really can't stand the bright, I suspect that it will quiet down when part of the whole quilt top and not just shouting at me from one block on my design wall. Just decided to show a picture, this is Block A and there are 5 blocks using the same fabric but different positions. It comes from a book called Take 5.
Also in the other 4 blocks there is much more white, this is the only one with just a little bit in the centre.The reverse is lovely but not quite right with the daffodils, I must remember to look at the reverse of more of my fabrics!
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Re: How to make fabric paler? 06 Aug 2013 12:41 #108011

  • suehenyon
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I'm wondering about lemon juice and sunlight.

There is also a fairly new product available called DeColourant..."a color remover for fabrics and papers".


Some of the kinds replace color. Mine just removes it, but I haven't tried it yet...supposed to be good with stencils.
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Re: How to make fabric paler? 06 Aug 2013 10:00 #108003

Juliet I don't know much about bleach - except that it stains my t-shirt and jeans if I am not careful :roll: - but I am wondering if you could use the reverse of the fabric? Also, I wonder if you put some bleach in with the washing powder then maybe you would get an even bleaching on the fabric - but I don't know because I never tried that.
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How to make fabric paler? 06 Aug 2013 09:09 #107999

I have a fabric, yellow with a meandering caramel trail on it. It is too bright for my project and I wondered if I can make it paler with bleach. A cup of water and 1 tbspn of bleach wiped out the printed design on it but took the yellow down a few shades nicely. Now, I could play around with formulae (made up by me!) all morning but then there would be no lunch and I might get nowhere. So, I wonder if this is possible and if anyone out there knows how to make fabric a little paler? I live in Caracas, I don't want to buy more fabric and this one is usable as is just not right for my taste! My goodness, I just realised I came to the Quilt Show Forum before Googling - how cool does that make the Quilt Show :) ? Any advice kindly received, thanks.
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