Thank you Rita. I know about using the reverse of fabric and completely forget about it when looking at my own fabric. The washing machine thing sounds good and I may try it on a small piece, don't want to run out of fabric experimenting. DeColourant sounds lovely but where I am many basic products are sometimes not available, like bleach, so a new product like that will never get down here but how interesting to know about it. Probably I will go with the reverse if I really can't stand the bright, I suspect that it will quiet down when part of the whole quilt top and not just shouting at me from one block on my design wall. Just decided to show a picture, this is Block A and there are 5 blocks using the same fabric but different positions. It comes from a book called Take 5.

Also in the other 4 blocks there is much more white, this is the only one with just a little bit in the centre.The reverse is lovely but not quite right with the daffodils, I must remember to look at the reverse of more of my fabrics!