Ouch! Rough day again, what a Monday! If you ever feel dizzy, too weak or like passing out, do not try to walk. Slid down to the floor and crawl to where you need to get. You might spare yourself a cut on your eyebrow, specially if you have tile flooring. If you have those symptoms, try to check your blood pressure, more likely will be ridiculously low, 58/35. More likely you're blood sugar is very low too. Eat some fresh fruit, if available, or some honey, sugar, a piece of candy, regular soda. The best is the fruit for it's natural fructose. You should feel way better in a short time. Try to do this, before you take care of the cut, it might be easier to cut those butterfly bandages. Now, if the cut needs stitches, just rush to the ER. After calling the doctor's office they wanted me to go to the ER to get fluids but, since I already had taken care of the cut, I decided to stay bed ridden at home for the rest of the day and drink oral electrolytes.
Tomorrow will be a better day!