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TOPIC: Your Other Life...or...What's Your Line?

Re: Your Other Life...or...What's Your Line? 15 Feb 2013 07:13 #97560

wow.... we went from belly dancing to truck driver and, thanks to Lisa, everything in between! How interesting!

Ann, I can so relate to the name dilemma. I was born Nancy Kalynn Hall. My parents had fully planned on calling me Nancy, but a cousin insisted on Kalynn and it stuck. I hear of a lot of Kalynns now but not in the 60's. I was forever trying to get people to pronounce and spell it correctly. Didn't help any that my mom didn't spell it phonetically. It is pronounce Kalin, with the emphasis on the first syllable and a long a sound. People naturally want to say Kay Lynn, with the emphasis on Lynn. And of course, every teacher, doctor's office, etc. has called me Nancy. So I pretty much answer to any of it! People always ask where my mom came up with it. She doesn't really say, but she had a little sister named Linda Kay. (?)
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Re: Your Other Life...or...What's Your Line? 15 Feb 2013 06:16 #97559

Parents gave you a first name but called you by your middle name. When I was born I was given the first name of my mother and uncle so there were three of us with the same first and last names so, of course, they called me by my middle name. Well, that was fine for many years as I just used my first initial and my middle name as my legal name. Then I turned 65, and here in the US medicare decides what your name is no matter what you have been your whole life because it is whatever is on your social security card so now I have to use my first name for everything. And since DH calls me by a nickname, Ann has little relationship to any of it. Ann is a shortened version of my middle name actually so it sort of relates but when I die no one will know its me if they use my legal name in my obituary. LOL!!!! That may not be all bad, I will be a legend - at least in my own mind. Aren't names interesting? Hugs, Ann
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Re: Your Other Life...or...What's Your Line? 15 Feb 2013 03:20 #97554

makeitart wrote:
I´m a truckdriver and I also drive a 9 ton excavator. Me and my husband bury phone cabels to houses. There have been alot of digging around kindergardens and you should se the kids faces when thay notice that it´s a girl driving the excavator :) . ITS A GIRL DRIVING !!!!! I always tell them that I know a much tougher job than this and thats to be a teacher, also there teachers job is tougher ,... I know that cause i tryed :)
I do exercise when I´m not sewing on my spear time,.... depending on the season I do bicycle, drive dirtbike and play ishockey. I dont compete anymore, its just for the exercice.

:) :) :)
What fun!
Also, you belly dancing girls are (to quote Margo) too stinkin' cool!!
I'm really enjoying this topic.
btw, my name is the combo of my two grandmothers - Rose (from Sicily) and Anne (of German/Hungarian ancestry)
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Re: Your Other Life...or...What's Your Line? 14 Feb 2013 23:07 #97551

I´m a truckdriver and I also drive a 9 ton excavator. Me and my husband bury phone cabels to houses. There have been alot of digging around kindergardens and you should se the kids faces when thay notice that it´s a girl driving the excavator :) . ITS A GIRL DRIVING !!!!! I always tell them that I know a much tougher job than this and thats to be a teacher, also there teachers job is tougher ,... I know that cause i tryed :)
I do exercise when I´m not sewing on my spear time,.... depending on the season I do bicycle, drive dirtbike and play ishockey. I dont compete anymore, its just for the exercice.
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Re: Your Other Life...or...What's Your Line? 14 Feb 2013 21:31 #97547

This is so cool to read what everyone has done! I'm going to borrow Eileen's format, since this could be really long otherwise, and I always write too much anyway! :wink:

Trained a young half-arab horse to the saddle
Learned to sew garments from Grandma Nellie
Burger King employee
RCA TV Service Contract phone sales (hated this!)
Computer Lab Student Assistant at University of Akron
PSIA-certified ski instructor
qualified whitewater river guide
Moved to Philadelphia after college: Software Conversion Rep - spent months at clients' CATV businesses
Moved to Sacramento: Software Programmer
Bought an Arabian mare and took up AERC Equestrian Endurance Racing
Introduced to ballroom dancing by a horsey friend, and eventually lost a bunch of West Coast Swing competitions, lol.
Software Quality Assurance Engineer (loved this work!) - one business trip to Rome, Italy led to my close friendship with Dodo e Max in Rome (just got back from their 20th Wedding Anniversary party, there!)
Met my DH white water rafting on the Stanislaus River near Yosemite, camping in Calaveras Big Trees.
Moved to Sunnyvale, CA with DH.
More Software QA work, then Tech Crash!
Worked for my friend's gorgeous boutique jewelry store (always loved stone, of any sort!)
Took several years of Ceramics classes at community college, LOVED that!
DH gets job offer near Seattle that he can't refuse, lol, and we move there 5 weeks after the decision is made!
Take my 1985 Singer for servicing so I can make drapes for our new house,... end up with a high-end Pfaff with embroidery functionality! Finally, sewing is interesting, because this machine can help me EMBELLISH!
Find TQS, and fall in love with it and the community!
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Re: Your Other Life...or...What's Your Line? 14 Feb 2013 20:08 #97536

  • idaho
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8) :D :D :D :D
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Re: Your Other Life...or...What's Your Line? 14 Feb 2013 19:51 #97535

  • clhdabb
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My paternal Grandfather's name was Charles--my Dad's middle name is Ray

in 'Yes, I Know the Way to San Jose...', California, USA
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Re: Your Other Life...or...What's Your Line? 14 Feb 2013 19:30 #97534

  • kfstitcher
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Well I learned a lot about your name Charae. I thought maybe your dad's name was Charles and named you after him. :D
Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio
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Re: Your Other Life...or...What's Your Line? 14 Feb 2013 19:14 #97532

  • clhdabb
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Wow! Thanks, Lotti!

in 'Yes, I Know the Way to San Jose...', California, USA
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Re: Your Other Life...or...What's Your Line? 14 Feb 2013 18:53 #97530

  • lotti
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But none of your siblings' names mean 'precious' or 'beautiful'. I think your dad did a great job of turning what he thought of you into your name! A true statement of love and pride. I absolutely love your name, and it's certainly not one you come accross every day. :)

Found this when I looked it up:

What does the name “Charae” mean? A name is much more than just a name!
C is for compassion, your finest side.
H is for honor, your most valuable possession.
A is for able, for you surely are.
R is for romp, you know how to have fun!
A is for able, for you surely are.
E is for enjoy, your life can be fun!
The name “Charae” is of American origin and it means “Beautiful, Precious, Dear”. It’s a name commonly given to girls.
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Re: Your Other Life...or...What's Your Line? 14 Feb 2013 18:53 #97529

  • idaho
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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Your Other Life...or...What's Your Line? 14 Feb 2013 18:44 #97528

  • rehak
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:) :) :)
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Re: Your Other Life...or...What's Your Line? 14 Feb 2013 18:34 #97527

  • clhdabb
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:D Thanks, everyone! My belly dancing teacher just made me laugh--my ego has never been in my name, thank goodness. BTW, Nancy, my dad named me--I'm the oldest of 5. My mom put her foot down and took over after that! My sibs are Cindy, Debbie, Kathy, Chuck! :wink:

in 'Yes, I Know the Way to San Jose...', California, USA
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Re: Your Other Life...or...What's Your Line? 14 Feb 2013 18:14 #97526

  • idaho
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:lol: :lol: Those names we're given !! They gave me a first and a middle and used the middle !....Boy!
Does that cause confusion ! :roll:
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