Wow! This thread is just way too cool! So much for the expression "Get a life!" It looks like we all have some very interesting ones, outside of quilting!
After a year of college, I knew I couldn't sit in a classrooms anymore, so went to work as a "gopher" and file clerk for a top attorney's office in Santa Barbara. I then moved south to Oceanside and worked as a salesgirl in a small women's clothing store. And, repeated the job when we moved inland to Escondido. That's where I first began to work in make-up at their Charles of the Ritz counter, and then took a job as a make-up artist at a well known spa. I love make-up, and that is why you will probably never see me without it.
I love color and art, and that is probably why I was attracted to quilting. Since the drive was long to the spa, I eventually looked for something closer, and found a job at a large computer company, loading circuit boards. I worked my way up there, and eventually became the thin film technician for the engineering department. (I forget to say that I did have lab experience from a previous job in the ink industry) It was all R & D, and I can say I was in on the pioneering of the first thermal print head! But, they sent me back to school (on their dime) and I found myself back in the classroom taking such things chemistry, algebra, and physics. The biggest bonus of the job was meeting my future husband there! We will celebrate 37 years this June.
I love to garden; love plants and flowers! I read a lot, and I am going to try my hand at writing, entering this year's Spoonfuls of Stories contest that my daughter won last year.
My FIL was a rocket scientist, and we raised chickens when I was young, just for our own eggs, and to put meat on the table. I was a stay-at-home mommy while we raised our three kids. Being an only child, I found that more of a challenge than any of my previous jobs!
In beautiful Northwest Montana