Should the Ark project re-commence I would like to suggest this ditty, which was written to commorate a particularly wet re-enactment muster weekend, that went down in the annals of the English Civil War Society.
Sutton Scotney
(sung to the tune 'To Be a Pilgrim')
Who'd join the Kings Army, come to our muster,
We had one at Sutton Scotney, what a disaster!
Fresh water, heaven sent, was no discouragement
When we first pitched our tent at Sutton Scotney.
We heard the weather forecast - sunny with showers.
The sky stayed overcast - it poured for hours.
We thought we'd stay and fight, for still our hearts were light,
It rained all bleeding night at Sutton Scotney.
Soon the field was covered in shit, so was the army.
Why did we put up with it? We're bleedin' barmy!
Still raining all weekend, we thought would never end,
We must be round the bend at Sutton Scotney.
Then the beer tent had no beer - that was not planned on!
So you who enter here, all hope abandon
And come next muster day, I'll care not what men say,
Next time I'll stay away from Sutton Scotney
apologies if anyones sensibilities are overcome by some of the language - it is what I refer to as 'battlefield language' and as in real life happens.