Although I like the original picture on the book, I think I'll go scrappy within my stash, and as I see stuff, along the way, maybe pick up a fat 1/8 or 1/4.
The thing is to decide on the sashing and borders, because I find that these areas will pull a scrappy quilt together towards the sashing or border colour. Craftsy has a colour theory course, but I've been waiting for it to go on sale, and as yet, in the last 6 months or so, it never has. I was thinking that if I picked 4 or 5 main colours, and then used a variation of one of those colours in a block, then there would be some harmony, although still scrappy. Any one who has ideas about this, please feel free to advise.
I have printed out Templates 1 to 14! I think I'll get my feet wet this coming week.
So, shall we begin, ladies?