Well, I just perused the summer patterns for the big four companies online. I was disappointed.
Here we go again, back to the 60s and 70s. Very very short summer dresses, :shock: styled exactly like the 60s and early 70s--unless they are very very long peasant styles styled just like the 60s and 70s. I can only figure the designers miss the hippy days.
Also there is nothing for us big gals but bags (draping maternity looking clothes) and boxes (squarish with no shape)--they must think we lose all sense of style because we lose our girlish figures. Sigh.
I had some hope there for a while that clothing was returning to real fashion. Maybe this fall things will be better. I guess I'll have to pull out some older patterns again this year, or come up with my own designs (I can do that, but it takes time), because i really want to make myself some new summer clothes appropriate and stylish. I'll just set my own style.
My favorite era for clothing was the 1940s and early 50s. What is yours?