Here's my welcome speech for Quilter's Annonymous
Hello, I'm Mandy and I am a quilter. It has been one week since I last sewed a stitch, but I will probably leave this and start sewing right away - I'm in withdrawl

I am known to spend hours...

ok days...

ok really weeks at a time in front of my sewing machine. My family has threatened to report me missing sometimes because they won't see me for so long. I confess that I horde fabric in strange places so my husband doesn't know just how much I have at any one time. Worse, I include my young children by asking them to not tell him when we have been shopping

I also confess that I have put the quilts I am making for family members in order from those who would appreciate them least to those who would appreciate them most - I don't feel as bad making learning mistakes on a quilt I know probably won't see much use

And worst of all I spend way too much time reading stuff on this website
Ok, that was fun, now where is the nearest quilt shop???