I attended a quilt show today in Melbourne and was having a lovely time wandering around looking at the lovely quilts, buying fabric and gadgets when i walked past some makeshift seminar rooms. lots of people standing outside looking in so i stopped to have a look too. two of these rooms had many standing around outside but the third only had a couple of people looking in. So down i go and look in and i see Jinny Beyer giving her lecture on her colour theory that she did on the TQS I was very excited to see her in person. Then this lovely lady from inside comes down to me and tells me that I can't stand there because people had paid to get into this seminar. I was so embarrassed

i thought it was free like the other seminars. this is the first time i have ever been bounced from a place before and thought as i was walking away that if it did have to happen then i am more than pleased that it was Jinny Beyer's bouncer who did it, lol.
Jenny in Oz