Bernina is the Sponcers for TQS so I understand this completely.
I own a Janome 9500,Janome 1600, I love both machines,actually own several different machines,I can put alot of thier advertisements to my machines,such as my machine "sews like a dream". Like any bernia owner not wanting to own any other brand,well I also Love the brand I have and wouldn't change brands because I Love my janome machines. Though I'm sure I could love another brand I'm just very happy with what I have,I also love Singer machines. I wouldn't buy any other brand then Hines ketchup either. It is what ever each person is happy with I think. I know berninias are good machines same as the Janomes,one might have afew different features then the other,I'm very happy with features I have, Depends on each person wants,needs,taste.
Bernina has been great to share a sponcership with TQS. and there advertisements are great,same as the gammils advertisements. Now,I sure would like to get my hands on one of them!!! I'm not thrown off by any advertisements because I know my wants,needs,desires. I was once leary to mention my janome here on TQS because I didn't want to offend the Bernia owners or the sponcers. I will not say I will never own a Bernina because you never know,I'm saying I'm a pretty happy camper.
I Love all sewing machines,Kathy