I Wish I had a magical wand! I Have to clean house tomorrow,sweep/mop,and knock down my inspiring spider webs.
It will be a yucky,yucky day! Is there any way to make cleaning fun besides dancing around the mop/broom!
I vote Mondays to be cleaning day for everyone,no one sews till Tuesday! LOL! I bet this one goes over great! LOL! Alrighty then if youre sewing tomorrow think of poor ole little me scrubbing the darn floors till they shine. I'm trying to talk myself into it's liveable but I would just be putting it off another day, Dang it any how,that I cainnnt I'm buzzzy isn't working to well for me.
Is thier any house cleaning tips to go with the Fun cleaning tips, "fast & easy" tips please!!!
You all know it's just gonna get DIRTY again,Geesh!
I could talk myself out of this easily,but I'm not gonna do it this time!!!
Just think of me while youre all having fun!
Drats Drats Drats,Hugzzz Kathy