I go through this fight every time I go to my inlaws over Katie's flags and Sarah's blankie. Katie has several bright yellow poly-china silk flags that she adopted when she was about 18 months old. I was coaching a high school color guard and brought the practice flags home to wash one day. Needless to say 3 of the flags never made it back to the school. Katie has carried one of those things around with her ever since - she is 7 years old now. Sarah has a green fleece blanket she is much the same way about and she is 6 years old.
My inlaws constantly threaten to throw them away (especially the flags because they just don't get it), and can't understand why I do not rip these items from them since they are too old to have them. I tell them first of all I do set rules - they cannot take them out in public (although in the car is ok) or to school. They are washed frequently too.It would hurt them more for me to take these items away than it hurts them to have them now. I will make the blankies and flags into quilts for each of them when they are ready, and I have told them this already. Katie is almost there, and I found on the McCormicks color guard site where they sell the poly-china silk by the yard in every color under the rainbow, so I think I will have fun with that.
Ok, I'll get to the point now. Some people can't seem to see the point in such things - a rag is a rag to them. That seems so sad though. To me those blankies, quilts, and flags have so many memories wrapped up in their threads that it would be a travesty if they were lost, and I think it was wonderful that you were willing to stand up for and give advice to that young woman. I hope she saves her husband's quilt!
Mandy - who still has a really ratty teddy bear with half the stuffing knocked out and restuffed with cut up panty hose and old yarn (done by herself when she was 6
