LOL you telling her Daddy that is was a power tool______good thinking!
Our little Mia 5 got one after the Christmas sale also,the same
machine $25.00 A Janome Hello kitty,Cute little machine,well of course Grandmaw sews on Janomes! Mia sits in Cinda's "her mom" lap to sew,she enjoys sewing! Though she says she won't have time to sew when she grows up because she is going to be a Dr. she Told Grandpaw & Grandmaw that she would only charge us a dollar for visits then she replys isn't that nice! Grandmaw replys Yes Mia that is real nice,very sweet of you to think of us this way. Grandpaw asked her how she was going to make money like that she replys charge others more!!! She is a smart little one,so cute. She is our quit one.