ArkansasPT wrote:
Hi- I am new to quilting and am enjoying it so far. To this point I have hand peiced a top and will go to my LQS to quilt it on a long arm machine (I am in a hurry to see what it is like done- I will figure out hand quilting at some point). I am thinking about getting a sewing machine. I do no other sewing. Any suggestions on where to start? Am I best off with a basic machine until I know what I am doing or with a better machine? Any suggestions would be helpful.
Welcome Arkansas!!!!! You need a sewingmachine
What you need to decide on is how much you want to pay for one and what you want it to do for you! The worse that can happen though is you buying a small machine and realize just after a few months that you needed it to be a bit bigger. Why not invest in a machine you can use as a secind machine if you upgrade??? I advise you to get a machine that sews Strait stitches, zigzag and blanket stitches!! I have a Janome MC 6600, but you do not need your first machine to be that big or expencive. I am going to buy Janome Jem Platinum as a second machine...It has all I need for a second and is not heavy so it is ideal to take to classes etc...and it has a 1/4" foot
Its not good for free motion quilting though...but you may not start free motion right away..or you might just do that :shock:
If there is anything you want to ask..just ask..we are a lot of people on here that would be more than happy to help