The Shack is the cult book of recent months in my neck of the woods. Book clubs are reading it, my 20's something daughter read it & actually discussed it at the dinner table. It is especially valuable to people who have lost children. It will have you crying and laughing & it's hard to put down...not long either. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit show up to help a man through crisis, and they are hysterically funny.
James Patterson scares the daylights out of me.
A previous member wrote about The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon. This book has breath-taking imagery, superbly written, with a good story. My author friends loved it.
My recent book read was an oldie called The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett, about the building of a cathedral in England about the time of Henry II. Hugely successful when it came out, Ludlum did research for this while he was writing his spy-intrigue novels. It has history, politics of the time, religion, sex, intrigue, something for everyone and it is well written. The descriptions are vivid, but not too long. I was able to read awhile, pick it up a few days later & not have to re-read to remember what happened. I quickly got to the point where I didn’t want to put it down.