Here is my first Double Nine Patch Block. I have all the pieces cut out but I decided to do 5 of the small blocks and then build the full block rather than do all 60 of the small blocks first. It is a bit more motivating to finish a whole block than do so many of the same at once. I wanted to share a tip I learned cutting all these small pieces. I've been using pattern weights to help hold the strips still while I cut them. It really helps with the strips that are 2 or 3 strips sewn together. I was getting "wiggles" when I hit the seam with my rotary cutter. With the weights, no wiggle. I also starched and ironed the fabric at least twice. I sprayed one side, flipped it and ironed the opposite side making sure it was totally dry, then sprayed that side, flipped it and ironed until dry and then repeated. My fabric was quite firm and easy to cut plus there was a lot less fraying on the edges. Some of the fabric I again sprayed and ironed with Acorn Spray and Press. That added to the firmness, but it also added a lot of time (my ironing set up is in the basement and I sew on my main floor). I stopped the extra spraying when I felt the fabric was firm enough. While sewing, I did check to make sure all my pieces were coming out the correct size. my block is 7 1/4 inches. Now on to the next 11 blocks!!!